- We have а program of cooking meals and taking them to our sick, disabled, or otherwise needy
church members.
- We support The Gideons International with our prayers, with money to buy Bibles, and with men
called to become Gideons.
- We donate clothing to Salvation Army.
- We donate food and water to Firehouse Shelter.
- We made Valentine bags and took them to the residents of Columbia Cottage.
- We delivered gift baskets to our Police and Fire department (in remembrance of the April 27 tornado)
- We help residents of the community with po- Wers bill, gas bills (if it is in our range).
- We check on and visit hospitalized members follow up with them when they return home.
- We deliver food to the family of members who have passed away.
- We donate bath to- Wels to the VA hospital for blind veterans.
- We collect money for members to support their mission trips.
- We collect books to be taken to the Veterans Hospital.
- We collect food at vacation bible school to give to our community and anyone that needs foods.
- We continue to take food to our members that are sick or in the hospital.
- We have served meals at First Light women' s shelter.
- We take food to Firehouse, Jimmie Hale and Brother Bryan shelters.
- We take water to the Church of the Reconciler.
- We collect school supplies for Grisham School.
- We regularly send cards to our members and friends that are in the hospital and home just to say
that we саге.
- We support the “Operation Christmas Child” Project.
- We run errands and check on our members that can’t drive.
- We deliver meals on wheel the first week of the month.